[recentpost items=»3″ excerpt=»1″ excerpt_length=»20″ readmore=»Read more…» showthumb=»0″ date=»1″ author=»0″ comments=»1″]
Recent Post with thumb
[recentpost items=»3″ excerpt=»1″ excerpt_length=»20″ readmore=»Read more…» showthumb=»1″ date=»0″ author=»1″ comments=»1″]
[box_title font_size=»15″ font_alignment=»center» border=»middle» border_color=»#CDCDCD»]SHORTCODE ATTRIBUTES[/box_title]
- items: number of post to show
- cat_name: comma separated list of categories name
- excerpt: whether to show the excerpt or not
- excerpt_leght: number of words of the excerpt to show
- readmore: text of the read more link
- showthumb: whether to show the featured image thumb or not
- date: whether to show the post date or not
- author: whether to show the post author or not
- comments: whether to show the post comments or not